APGAR Newborn


The Apgar score is a quick and simple way to assess a baby’s condition at birth. The baby should be assessed at one, five and 10 minute intervals after birth. The APGAR score consists of 5 criteria which are scored. The 5 values are then added up to obtain an overall score, helping to guide clinicians on further interventions, or decision making.

SKU: ML/CAM/APS Category: Tags: , , , , Brand:


  • A6 in size (105 x 148mm) with 6mm curved edges
  • New improved Eco-friendly thickness (0.8mm)
  • Flexible, robust and wipeable
  • In line with NHS improvement and JRCALC guidelines
  • Reviewed by Specialist Paramedics (Urgent Care & Critical Care)

Additional information

Weight 0.010 kg
Dimensions 14.8 × 10.5 × 0.076 cm